Greenville Landscaping Tips for Reviving A Damaged Lawn

Greenville landscaping

If you want to protect your dream home and increase its value intrinsically, you need to pay attention to your lawn. By making sure that any size of empty space is put to its best use, you can incorporate trees, plants, grass, and other features into Greenville Landscaping. Even a small lawn, if maintained properly, can improve your lifestyle tenfold.

If you notice that the grass on your lawn is turning dry and brown, you might need to get your gardening tools and set to work. While dying grass or plants can be a sad sight, there are many things you can do to alleviate the situation and make your space green again. When it comes to Greenville Landscaping, you need to assess your lawn and your grass based on your area’s conditions such as weather, rainfall, soil conditions, any recent drought, etc. you must also consider any maintenance or recent work you did on your lawn.

One of the easiest ways to identify if your grass is dying is to look at the crown, which is the small lightly colored part at the base of the plant from which individual strands grow. If this part is discolored or brown, it is a sign that the grass is dead or dying and cannot be rescued.

The Reasons for a Damaged Lawn:

Once you know the extent of the damage to your lawn and its biodiversity, you can pinpoint the cause and fix it. Some of the reasons your grass might be dying include:

  • Natural Causes:

The weather conditions of your area can cause damage to the biodiversity; droughts can cause dryness and too much rainfall can cause increased salinity. Natural causes also include pests and insects that can eat your grass or bring diseases to your plants that can accelerate decay.

If you plant a type of grass that is not indigenous or does not suit your soil and area’s conditions, it will naturally not survive for long either and would have to be replaced with the proper type.

  • Incorrect Planting and Installation:

Planting soil means that you need to properly till and test your soil, and also consider how and where you are installing other hardware such as hoses, sprinklers, and drainage systems. Plant beds must be leveled, and you will also need to make sure that no point in the grass bed holds excess water which can cause water-logging.

  • Improper Gardening Techniques:

Gardening for grass specifically includes removing weeds, watering and feeding your plants, and mowing your grass at the required height. If any of these is not done properly, your grass might begin to die and your soil will also be affected.

Reviving Your Lawn:

Based upon the needs of Greenville landscaping for all home-owners, you can revive your lawn by yourself through proper gardening and landscaping or hiring a landscaping professional to uplift and protect your whole lawn through the following methods:

Prepare the Area:

Whether it’s a small patch or the whole lawn, spray affected parts with a non-selective herbicide such as glyphosate. Do not let children or pets nearby for a few hours and let the chemical kill all plants for a week.

Remove Thatch Build-Up:

If dead grass or plants form a layer thicker than half an inch, you need to remove it to protect the grass, roots, and soil conditions. This helps air get into the soil and allows room for nutrients and water to flow downwards. You can do this task with a power rake or vertical mower.

Till the Soil:

By tilling your soil for about 5 to 6 inches deep, you aerate the soil, and if your soil is highly damaged you can spread a few inches of compost on top and then till it. This is especially useful if your soil lacks fertility.

Test Your Soil and Fertilize:

A simple soil test can help determine the level of required phosphorus, and based on the results you can add the right fertilizer as recommended by professionals.

Plant Your Grass:

You can plant your grass either as a seed or as sod. Seed can be planted by spreading seeds on the top layer and adding another layer on top. Sod can be planted in pieces, but make sure that roots are deep into the soil.

Revive Your Lawn With Professional Greenville Landscaping:

There are many aspects of maintaining and growing your lawn, from irrigation to fertilizer use, to regular maintenance. If you want to know what irrigation systems are best for you, the recommended mowing techniques, or want to replant your grass, contact Greenville Landscaping for an experienced team dedicated to protecting your plants and beautifying your home.


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